Celebrating a Decade

This week I am back on The Eagle's Nest, with a short bit about our 10th Anniversary, which happens to be today.  Yes, I have been married a decade.  A DECADE! Babyman is rather flustered that he is not receiving presents (my husband gave me a beautiful Mediterranean cookbook at breakfast).  "Is it a special day for me?" he keeps asking.  We continue to explain that it's a special day for all of us, because if Mommy and Daddy hadn't gotten married, then we wouldn't have our wonderful family.  This does not explain the absence of presents, however, so he is consoling himself with the fact ... [READ MORE]

And So It Begins, Part 2 (How It Really Began)

Babyman started his new Pre-K the first Monday after our two-week family vacation in Tahoe. Babyman is not fond of change or shake-ups to his routine.  He is, however, tremendously fond of family vacations in Tahoe.  It follows that shaking up his routine just as our Tahoe vacation came to an end was something less than popular. We dedicated the ride home to hyper-enthusiastic Pre-K prep as only nervous parents can.  We stopped along the way to get a back-to-school outfit and, most importantly, a snazzy Cars 2 lunchbox.  The lunchbox, its utter coolness, its "I can't wait to show the ... [READ MORE]

And So It Begins

Dear Babyman, Last week I dropped you off for your first day of Pre-K.  For the second time in your short life, you will attend school five days a week; this time, however, it's for good.  There will be no chance in the years to come for us to say, "You know?  Five days is a lot for a little man.  How can we scale it back?"  After Pre-K comes Kindergarten comes Grade 1, and that's real school, man. So on Monday I dropped you off, new lunchbox in hand (Cars 2), new shirt on your back (Toy Story), and you ventured into that big room with the big kids and the tall cubbies, and you hung your ... [READ MORE]

Money Well Spent

We are spending about three or four hours a day at the pool since coming to Tahoe, usually a morning session and an afternoon swim.  Babyman loves the pool here; for the first time in his life, he can (barely) touch the bottom of the shallow end, and he spends a great deal of time on his tiptoes gasping for air. My husband and I, of course, would love to see some real swimming.  For the past year or so, Babyman has been taking private swim lessons, and the kid's got skills.  Seriously.  But, as with all things Babyman, they depend massively on his mood and inclination to oblige.  So we wade ... [READ MORE]

Resisting A Rest

It's just past noon in sunny Lake Tahoe and I'm watching Cars 2 with Babyman, blogging, and having a mimosa.  No complaints here (besides Babyman, who at present is calling the landscaper a bad guy! for daring to mow the lawn during movie hour). I've said it before, but Tahoe Time is a rather wonderful parallel universe in which to vacation.   There are swings and slides and rock walls.  There is swimming, kayaking, and digging in the sand.  There are geese in chevron flight and grasshoppers and dragonflies and ice cream cones melting in the sun and cold beers by the pool in the late ... [READ MORE]

Cold Beer & Conversation

If you are late to the Less on the Floor party, I might as well reiterate that Babyman is somewhat challenged in the falling asleep department.  This means, almost four years in, that Babyman's parents (me being one of them) are somewhat challenged in the sanity department.  You know that internet-sensation book, Go the F--- to Sleep, that everyone thought was SO FUNNY last year?  I own that book in hardcover.  I read it for solace.  I take it as a sign from above that my husband and I are not alone on the barren desert of bedtime.  Somewhere, not that long ago, someone else felt the way we ... [READ MORE]

Ladies Who Lunch

I thought last summer was the summer for babies, since half the women I know were pregnant (including me).  But history appears to be repeating itself, as this summer the other half of the women I know are pregnant (and the first half have small babies, meaning no one -- but no one -- goes out for happy hour anymore.  Boo.). The thing about knowing a lot of pregnant gals is that you find yourself attending a lot of baby showers.  These take many forms.  There are the ladies' only baby showers, often given by sisters or moms or aunts, where there is iced tea and a light salad lunch and ... [READ MORE]