
Early July.  The kids and I arrived in New York City a couple of hours behind schedule due to weather, overheated and overtired and overexcited to be on such an adventure, together, for the first time. Our first stop was the Upper East Side apartment of our dear college friends; the following afternoon we would take a bus to their house in Bridgehampton.  Only the husband, the onetime roommate of my husband (oh, the stories we share), was in the city, his wife and three children having already decamped to the beach. As our tired host graciously served up pizza at 10pm and poured me a glass ... [READ MORE]

Back to the Blazer

It was a true summer vacation after all.  I realized last night, brushing my teeth and running through The List, that I haven't been home for a full weekend in more than six weeks -- since the Fourth of July.  New York City, Water Mill, Tahoe, home, Tahoe, Tahoe, now home, then back to Tahoe.  Summer after summer after sun-soaked summer.  Lucky lady.  But in the interim weeks there is a Life to attend to: money to raise, donor walls to design, school uniforms to buy, birthday parties to plan, babysitters to call, lunchboxes to pack. Back to the blazer, back to the black jean, back to the ... [READ MORE]

In the Air Over There

Well good gracious.  It has been a full six weeks or so since I last posted, which means it must be summer vacation.  Which is, apparently, the most hectic time of the year.  You heard me: more hectic than back-to-school, more hectic than Christmas.  Heck.  Tick. Mercifully, this hectic-ness is punctuated by sublime spurts of rest during which it seems wrong to fire up the old laptop and blog, when one could be doing nothing, for heaven's sake. So here we are.  Mid-to-late July.  How did we get here?  By way of five summer camps and Bridgehampton, for starters.  All while my office is ... [READ MORE]

On Bikes and Battles, and the Picking Thereof

"It's a good thing I feel like I've been slapped with the happy stick!" I laugh, staring at the stopped Bay Bridge traffic in front of us.  "Here!" I toss my phone at my husband, who, left alone in the front of the car, is quietly obsessing over the cause of the standstill.  "Take our picture!" My knees are the most prominent feature in the photo, wedged, as I am, in the back seat of our Subaru Impresa (a "city alternative" to a station wagon), between Babygirl's car seat and LittleMan's booster.  Little Man's new bike is riding shotgun.  This is our very first family camping trip, and ... [READ MORE]

Camping? Glamping.

After a weekend not-really-roughing it in the high heat of the outer East Bay, it's nice to think about what I might wear in the Great Outdoors if I had access to, say, a mirror (for starters).  Thanks to Jessica Davis at The Eagle's Nest for indulging me...Read more here. Board design by Jess Davis   ... [READ MORE]


On the last day of May, the Robot had to go. If you have been keeping up with my fashion posts at The Eagle's Nest you know about The Robot, which required the donation of a shoebox to the art class.  As it turned out, LittleMan, upon learning his options, actually chose to use a boot box -- and if you know about women's shoes, or shoe storage in general, you will understand that the two are not the same.  A boot box is considerably larger, and then rendered even more so with the addition of plastic-cup feet, a plastic-hanger antenna, some bottle-pump arms, and protruding eyes made of ... [READ MORE]

Any Excuse

Sometimes you just need a new pair of shoes, no? The heels featured here were necessitated by a robot project at LittleMan's school.  You can read the full post in my latest contribution to The Eagle's Nest - HERE. Style board by Jess Davis at The Eagle's Nest   ... [READ MORE]