Do You Believe in Magic

Riding home one afternoon, Babygirl expresses no shortage of concern that she does not own a green shirt.  "Did you know?  Did you know, Mommy?  Mommy: there is something I have to tell you: on the Clover Day, the leprechauns will come and if you are not wearing green -- LittleMan, I have to tell you -- if you are not wearing green --" (in the rearview mirror I see her turn to her brother, trembling and grinning with gleeful horror) "-- if you are not wearing green they will pinch you ON THE BUM!" "No-oh!  Uh-uh!" counters LittleMan.  "My teacher told me that if you want to wear green on ... [READ MORE]

The Blog

I've taken some heat lately for neglecting Less on the Floor, which I promised myself (and, perhaps, others) I wouldn't do.  I let an entire month go by with nothing at all, a first for this blog.  Which is why I'm going to go ahead and hack this one post out: to have something on the board.  Something to prove that I haven't given up on the thing that brought me to where I am today.  It might be crap but it's a return, which is something. After all, this blog changed my life. My kids changed my life, of course.  My kids took everything I knew to be true about myself and the world and ... [READ MORE]

Nature Nurture Babygirl

I am going to oversimplify here, but for the sake of argument I will state that LittleMan’s two great wishes in life are 1) more Legos, and 2) to be left alone, to his own devices, to build and play in his magical, mashed-up, imaginary world in peace (but with a comforting force close by).  If he needs something — help finding a missing brick, a snuggle, a sip of bubbly water — he will ask for it.  In this way, LittleMan and I can sit at home together on a Monday afternoon for hours with nary a word uttered between us, happy to coexist in the quiet and go about our private enterprises.  This ... [READ MORE]

Blank Slate

  Sometime around 10am on Christmas morning, long (long) after all the wrapping had been demolished and LittleMan was on to Lego Number 5, Babygirl started to do that thing that she does when she wants to "make".  Girlfriend loves to get her make on.  She loves to make cupcakes and make lunches with mommy and make hard-boiled eggs and -- picture hand-on-hips here -- "make something, like, with glue...and paint...and glitter..." Anyone who has made a habit of reading this blog (and, frankly, anyone who ever met me) is aware that crafts are not generally my jam.  DIY has always been ... [READ MORE]

Where are you going, where have you been

Forgive me if I'm repeating myself but if you are just joining us here at Less on the Floor, a few words about me.  I am a mother to two: my elementary-aged son and preschool-aged daughter.  Together with my husband, we live in the heart of a major US city, in a two-bedroom apartment on the 15th floor which boasts sweeping views, a teeny-tiny floor plan, strategic bunk-beds, and a dining room table currently strewn with 4,000 Legos, my laptop, some stray salt and pepper, and (don’t ask) the belt from a bathrobe, which is tying several of the chairs together.  This is what passes for a fort on ... [READ MORE]


My husband's favorite month is October, and for the longest time I thought mine was too.  But strangely, I woke on November 1, 2014 feeling more optimistic than I have in months.  While LittleMan and Babygirl staggered through the morning-after-Halloween in their various states of exhaustion and sugar-fueled bursts of energy (or tears), I blazed around the apartment, tearing down the paper bats and skeleton bunting, tossing out tired-looking pumpkins, and eventually re-arranging all the toys and purging yet more "baby stuff" that no one plays with or wears anymore.  Practically whistling while ... [READ MORE]

Beauty Lurking Everywhere

For the second year in a row, a massive wildfire scuttled our plans to take to the mountains for one last gasp of summer. If parenthood teaches you nothing else, it teaches you how to flex.  And so noon on a September Friday found me with the car fully loaded, THREE children wedged into the backseat (we borrowed a friend of LittleMan's for the weekend, in a rather foolhardy weekend-long play at our first-ever sleepover), and no clue where I was headed.  My husband called: "Guerneville.  Check your email for the map.  I'll be out front of the office." Lake Tahoe, Russian River...any old ... [READ MORE]