In Search of Cupcakes

My daughter's crying is boring a hole into my brain. Back when I first had babies and researched babies compulsively, I read an article explaining that a child's cry ignites in its mother the same neurological and biological stress response as an emergency siren. In other words, a mother alone in a room with a crying baby might as well be trapped in an office during a fire drill.  Which is exactly as fun as it sounds. Before you jump to any conclusions, let me assure you that I have tried to comfort my daughter.  I have snuggled her cheeks, offered compromises, attempted "redirection" ... [READ MORE]

Dawn, Lakeside

On our annual Tahoe vacation, unfettered by the 5:15 gym routine and the lunch boxes and the office hours, I totally dig mornings.  I like the peace of the morning: a hot, bittersweet cup of coffee and a good lakeside sunrise and a soundtrack of geese squawking in chevron flight.  Up until approximately 6 years ago, I liked putting Joni Mitchell on the iPod and cracking the paper and letting the morning happen.  I liked long walks before the world woke up.  We indulged in leisurely marital debates on the merits of a hike versus a bike ride, beach versus lake. As it turns out, on our annual ... [READ MORE]

Treading Water

I don't actually know why we bother to say that we're busy.  I think what we mean to say is simply that we're living.  Keeping on keeping on, and all that. With that said, here's the usual saw: it's mostly been busy, but in a good way.  Busy with bachelorette pool parties, camping, Father's Day surprise getaways, Mendocino wedding festivities, long drives to Tahoe with chocolate milkshakes to keep us cool.  Busy sneaking in the first half of the USA-Germany match and a Bloody Mary before work.  Busy with work travel (the Husband), and then work transitions (me) and a crazy new venture (more ... [READ MORE]

Rider on the Storm

The other day we got home from school and the children went through their motions: shoes off and tucked near the desk in the bedroom, sweaters on the chair, potty, wash hands. This little routine is the ONE THING I have managed to ingrain in them (don't ask me how; the brushing of teeth twice a day still seems to take them by surprise, yes, twice a day) and it affords me ten minutes to turn on the kitchen light, hang the car key, and assemble the snack (still peanuts and club sodas all around, always making me feel as if my house were some kind of hotel bar for the under-18 ... [READ MORE]

Goodbye, Hello

  On a Monday morning not long ago, I had trouble waking up.  I missed my usual morning workout, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise: the temperature shot up past 70 degrees that afternoon, so I dropped everything I had planned for the 90 minutes the kids attend After School Care and bolted for the Embarcadero the minute I left work. The promenade was alive with sun-seekers, nannies and mommies with strollers, dogs, all moving at different speeds.  I set my sights on Mission Creek. There is a playground near the ballpark, a blink-and-you'll miss it little fenced-in spot ... [READ MORE]


Do you have a sister?  I do.  My husband I don't plan to have any more children, and we feel fortunate to have one of each, a boy and a girl.  When you are planning a two-child family, it's nice when that balance occurs. But... There is no relationship in this universe like the one I have with my sister.  Deep as an ocean trench and fun and complicated and sometimes combative; validating and supportive and honest; sometimes frighteningly honest, because there is no one, and I mean no one, who knows me as well as she does. She's like a mirror, in a room with really bright light that ... [READ MORE]


On Sunday morning I woke to the swish-swish-tap-tap of Babygirl's mosey to my bedside.  I could feel her standing next to me, waiting patiently.  As I willed my eyes to open, still blurry and bleary in the dawn, she whispered, "Here you go, Mommy," and thrust something towards my face. I registered the smell of mint.  "What's that, Babygirl?" I whispered back. "Here, Mommy, look.  I ate all your gum.  But that's okay, right Mommy?" Suddenly I was focusing, confirming that the object in her hand was, in fact, an empty packet of Orbit gum.  "Where are all the pieces?" I asked. "In my ... [READ MORE]