Is it okay if I just hide in one of these for a while? One year ago this week, I sat next to my mother on a flight to London. We were both wearing Ostrich Pillows -- these lovely squishy turbans that double as eye-masks -- that she'd picked up at one of those hipster-y travel stores, along with wildly unstylish flat, stretchy slippers. Every time we made eye contact in we collapsed laughing at ourselves. Then the lights went down and she slept, which she can do -- seriously, anywhere -- and I watched about fifteen movies, paced the aisles, and cursed that the eye mask caused all my fake ... [READ MORE]
Walk the Walk, Pt. 1 (with a side of sneakers)
There is so much to say, but I'm still trying to figure it out. There is a dialogue happening (also a lot of shouting, but somewhere, a dialogue) that I very much need to be a part of...but it's going to take me some thought as to how and when to enter into the fray. I don't think the social media are my avenue right now. Frankly, these days, as much as I agree with a lot of what's out there (on my carefully-curated feed, mind you)...the social media are hard to take. Don't get me wrong. I've loved some of the shouting. Loved the glorious, affirming coming-togetherness of the past ... [READ MORE]
Wednesday Wishlist: Nest Studio Stylin’ Mama
In lieu of a dedicated Wednesday Wishlist post this week, I humbly direct your attention to my friend Jess Davis' lifestyle blog (and amazing home design site), Nest Studio. As some of you may recall, I used to write for Nest Studio on a fairly regular basis, but then I...stopped, actually. That was last year, which will officially go down in history as the year I said yes to everything and got myself more overextended than any sane human should. (Hence this year, when I've said no to everything and spend most days happily holed up at home, writing. Whee!) But now that I'm writing ... [READ MORE]
Recipe Roundup No. 8: Back-to-School
That's my old stove, btw. I literally cannot wrap my head around the fact that today is officially the last day of summer vacation and school starts Monday. First of all, let us review the date, which is August 12. Still squarely in summertime, in my humble opinion. But I am slowly accepting the fact that I don't make the rules when it comes to the SFUSD (oh, but if I did...) and so on Monday we will suit up at the ungodly hour of 7:20am and make the trek to Day One. Babygirl starts Kindergarten on Monday. Did you hear that? BABYGIRL STARTS KINDERGARTEN ON MONDAY. Remember when ... [READ MORE]
Wednesday Wishlist: 7 Best Fall Jeans
As I raided my own closet a few weeks back, I made peace with the fact that all I want to wear is jeans and a good top, on repeat. I've always known this, of course, but the magpie in me has continued to be drawn toward special somethings and glittery this's and that's along the way. No more. I officially have closet-focus. It's a general enough mom-iform: can be dressed up or down, can be re-worked for professional settings or park ones. There is even room for a skirt or two in there. So without further ado, I offer my top denim picks for Fall (with a few classic shoes in there for ... [READ MORE]
Wednesday Wishlist: Midsummer Stripes
After dropping the kiddos at camp this morning I took a wander through North Beach to return some library books and grab a coffee. I ran into a few moms from the 'hood and we were remarking about what a beautiful morning it was. The sun is finally out after days and days (and days and days) of drizzly fog and it just...Feels. So. Good. Good enough to make a gal want to run home and put on that one sundress hanging in the back reaches of the closet. Except not, because it was also 59 degrees at 9 a.m., I was perfectly comfortable in black running tights and a sweatshirt, and this is ... [READ MORE]
Stripped Down
The long-timers know that back in the day I used to write a column for my girl Jess at Nest Studio called Stylin' Mamma, where I'd put together an outfit based on stuff going on in my fascinating, glamorous life as an inexpert mom-of-two-children under-ten/part-time philanthropy consultant. (I know. Don't be jealous.) I would sometimes link back to LotF and sometimes not; I generally thought of this blog and that blog as two separate pursuits. However, I recently decided that writing is writing, and I might as well start writing all in one spot. Also: I spend an (unjustifiably) ... [READ MORE]